rel-avito Avito advertisement database

Database Description: Avito is a leading online advertisement platform, providing a marketplace for users to buy and sell a wide variety of products and services, including real estate, vehicles, jobs, and goods. The Avito Context Ad Clicks dataset on Kaggle is part of a competition aimed at predicting whether an ad will be clicked based on contextual information. This dataset includes user searches, ad attributes, and other related data to help build predictive models.

Database Statistics:

Domain E-commerce
Num of Tables 8
Num of Rows 20,679,117
Num of Columns 43
Starting time 2015-04-25
Validation timestamp 2015-05-09
Testing timestamp 2015-05-14
Time window size 4 days

Database schema:

To load this relational database in RelBench, do:

from relbench.datasets import get_dataset
dataset = get_dataset("rel-avito")


[1] Avito Context Ad Clicks Challenge.

Dataset License: Kaggle license .

Node Classification Tasks


Task Description: Predict whether each customer will visit more than one Ad in the next 4 days.

Evaluation metricAUROC


Task Description: Predict whether each customer will click on more than one Ads in the next 4 days.

Evaluation metricAUROC

Node Regression Tasks


Task Description: Assuming the Ad will be clicked in the next 4 days, predict the Click-Through-Rate (CTR) for each Ad.

Evaluation metricMAE

Link Prediction Tasks


Task Description: Predict the list of ads a user will visit in the next 4 days.

Evaluation metricMAP