rel-amazon Amazon e-commerce database

Database Description: The Amazon e-commerce relational database is a product and user purchasing behavior across Amazon's e-commerce platform. Notably, it contains rich information about each product and transactions. The product table includes price and category information; the review table includes overall rating, whether the user has actually bought the product, and the text of the review itself. We use the subset of book-related products.

Database Statistics:

Domain E-Commerce
Num of Tables 3
Num of Rows 24,291,489
Num of Columns 15
Starting time 1996-06-25
Validation timestamp 2015-01-01
Testing timestamp 2016-01-01
Time window size 3 months

Database schema:

To load this relational database in RelBench, do:

from relbench.datasets import get_dataset
dataset = get_dataset("rel-amazon")


[1] Amazon Review Data Dump.

Dataset License: Not specified.

Node Classification Tasks


Task Description: For each user, predict 1 if the customer does not review any product in the next 3 months, and 0 otherwise.

Evaluation metricAUROC


Task Description: For each product, predict 1 if the product does not receive any reviews in the next 3 months.

Evaluation metricAUROC

Node Regression Tasks


Task Description: For each user, predict the $ value of the total number of products they buy and review in the next 3 months.

Evaluation metricMAE


Task Description: For each product, predict the $ value of the total number purchases and reviews it recieves in the next 3 months.

Evaluation metricMAE

Link Prediction Tasks


Task Description: Predict the list of distinct items each customer will pur- chase in the next 3 months.

Evaluation metricMAP


Task Description: Predict the list of distinct items each customer will purchase and give a 5 star review in the next 3 months.

Evaluation metricMAP


Task Description: Predict the list of distinct items each customer will purchase and give a detailed review in the next 3 months.

Evaluation metricMAP